Stopping For The One

Experiencing how God's love transforms us to love others

Author: Steve Dixon (page 2 of 6)

Something From Nothing — A Prayer

You created something out of nothing
Matter from a void
Earth from space
Land from water
Life from the soil
Humanity from the inanimate

You still create something from nothing
Hope in the void
Light in the darkness
Shelter in the storm
Life over death
Beauty from ashes

You recreate that which was destroyed
You heal that which was broken
You mend that which was torn
You lift up that which had fallen
You raise to life that which had died

You are so creative, God
You are so beautiful, God
You are so loving, God


A Post-Election Encouragement

To my beloved brothers and sisters in the United States of America.

Congratulations on surviving a gruelling election campaign. It was unarguably a contest like no other. Some of you will be crestfallen, and others elated.

My encouragement to you, dear friends, is to be the change you want to see in the USA.

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“Holiness is not sinlessness; it is the ability to see what is worth protecting and then say no to sin to protect our yes to love.”

Shawn Bolz: “Translating God: Hearing God’s Voice for Yourself and the World Around You”

“You will never have any authority over what you do not love.”

Shawn Bolz — Translating God: Hearing God’s Voice for Yourself and the World Around You

At each and every sunrise you will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart.

Psalm 5:3 (TPT)

Surrounded by glory

So now I’ll lie down and go to sleep—and I’ll awake in safety for you surround me with your glory.

Psalm 3:5 (TPT)

Our God is the Lion, the Lion of Judah
He’s roaring with power and fighting our battles
Every knee will bow before Him
Our God is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world, His blood breaks the chains
Every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb
Every knee will bow before Him

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