Stopping For The One

Experiencing how God's love transforms us to love others

Author: Steve Dixon (page 3 of 6)

O come to the altar
The Father’s arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ

Even a bare-bones human existence contains enough glory to stagger anyone of us into bewildered awe.

Eugene Peterson

Can you see it?
Keep believing
There is wonder in it

Feel the wonder
And remember
There is wonder in it all

“Intimacy with God that doesn’t lead to a heart for the lost is self-delusion”
Dave Wooldridge

In the beginning, You were singing
In the end You’ll still be, singing over me
In this moment, You’re right beside me
You’re everywhere, You’re in the air that I breathe

You are an endless ocean
A bottomless sea

Jesus gives us authority, but he never intended that we should operate under authority alone. We need to be clothed with authority and power. They are not the same thing.
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“God doesn’t wait until you know Him to start loving you. He loves you right now, and because He loves you, He’s invited you to know Him.”

— Mattie Montgomery

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